Ethan Redding, the 19-year-old beloved son of Naval Medical Center Infertility Specialist Shawn Redding has tragically passed away. He was announced dead by his beloved father through a social media publication that read “My 19yo mini-me had his life taken today by a motorist turning left in front of his motorcycle. Ethan Redding had the best years of his life still ahead of him and they are now gone forever. I can barely breathe. A part of my heart is gone forever. I will always love you my son and I can only hope to see you again. We shared a common love of politics, guns, fireworks, and Christmas lights and I am lost without him. If any of that offends you and you feel the need to insult my son, please don’t.”
What was Ethan Redding cause of death?
On Saturday afternoon, at approximately 5:17 p.m., a motorcycle driven by 19-year-old Jeffrey Redding of Chesapeake was involved in a collision with a pickup truck heading west. Redding’s motorcycle was heading east on Hanbury Road approaching the intersection when the pickup turned in front of the motorcycle, entering a shopping center at Benson Lane. The crash resulted in the death of the motorcyclist, according to the Chesapeake Police Department (CPD).
Redding was killed when the motorcycle collided with the truck’s side. Although the officials stated the Chesapeake Police Crash Reconstruction Team is looking into the incident, it is unclear if any charges will be brought. Traffic has resumed on the roads. Police want anybody with information about the collision or possible witnesses to contact or phone the Crime Line at 1-888-562-5887.
Who is Shawn Redding?
Shawn Redding of Norfolk City County, Virginia, is a Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Specialist at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, VA. He is board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr Redding is a member of Alpha Omega Alpha honour medical society. Shawn’s research interests include polycystic ovary syndrome and ovulation induction.