A tragic incident marked the beginning of the shrimping season as a search and rescue operation concluded on Saturday with the discovery of a fisherman deceased in a capsized vessel. The body of the second missing fisherman was located by Daphne Search and Rescue inside the overturned boat. Authorities reported that the two men had set out on the water around 3 a.m. for the highly anticipated first day of shrimping season.
However, their venture took a fatal turn when a sudden storm hit the area around 3:30 a.m., causing their boat to capsize. One fisherman was rescued by nearby shrimpers who responded to the distress and was subsequently taken to a hospital for treatment. The search and rescue mission was centered off Fairhope Pier, where crews had been tirelessly combing the waters.
They were specifically looking for a man in his 60s, who was the last unaccounted for. Despite their efforts, the operation ended in the recovery of both fishermen’s bodies. This tragic event highlights the inherent dangers of shrimping and the unpredictable nature of the sea, particularly during adverse weather conditions. The local community mourns the loss of the fishermen, and authorities are likely to review safety protocols to prevent similar incidents in the future.
The names of the deceased has been identified as Mike Bishop of Fairhope, Alabama. The community extends its deepest condolences to the bereaved families and stands ready to offer support in this difficult time.